About Me
I am a Ph.D. candidate in the Linguistics Program at the University of South Carolina. My research explores the processing of linguistic and paralinguistic cues in the context of emotion from a cross-linguistic perspective. I am co-advised by Drs. Jiang Liu and Rutvik H. Desai. I am currently a graduate research assistant in the Desai Lab.
My dissertation investigates how native and non-native speakers perceive and process emotional information through semantics and prosody in a tonal language——Mandarin Chinese, and examines how semantics influences their perception of emotional prosody. I also utilize functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) to explore whether native speakers and non-native speakers use similar brain mechanisms to process semantics and emotional prosody in speech.
- 2023-2025, National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant (NSF-DDRIG), BCS-2234914 (“Doctoral Dissertation Research: The semantic effect on the processing of emotional prosody in a tone language: A neurolinguistic study”), co-PI, PI: Jiang Liu, co-PI: Rutvik Desai, USD 17,780.
- 2022-2023, University of South Carolina SPARC Graduate Research Grant, Proposal #120700-22-59283 (“Bridging meaning and sound: The effects of semantics on emotional prosody processing in Mandarin Chinese words and sentences”), PI, mentors: Jiang Liu, Rutvik Desai, USD 4,938.
- 2020-2021, University of South Carolina Graduate Teaching Resource Development Grant (for course enrichment of CHIN121: Elementary Mandarin Chinese), USD 400.
- 2020-2021, University of South Carolina Graduate Teaching Resource Development Grant (for course enrichment of CHIN321: Advance Mandarin Chinese), USD 400.
- Xiao, C., Liu, J., Shinkareva, S., Yang, X., Desai, R.H. (submitted). Knowing and feeling: The role of semantic valence in emotional prosody perception for L2 Chinese learners. Preregistration
- Xiao, C., & Liu, J. (2024b). The perception of emotional prosody in Mandarin Chinese words and sentences. Second Language Research. 1-28. Link, PDF
- Xiao, C., & Liu, J. (2024a). Semantic effects on the perception of emotional prosody in native and non-native Chinese speakers. Cognition and Emotion. 1-11. Link, PDF
- Wang, B. X., Chen, S., Zhou, F., Liu, J., Xiao, C., Chan, A., & Tang, T. (2024). English Prosodic Focus Marking by Cantonese Trilingual Children with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 67(3), 782-801. Link
- Liu, J., & Xiao, C. (2021). Tone category learning should serve tone word learning: an experiment of integrating pronunciation teaching in L2 Chinese curriculum. In Edited Volume The acquisition of Chinese as a second language pronunciation: Segments and prosody. Edited by Yang, Chunsheng: Springer. Link
- Xiao, C., Arheix-Parras, S., Johari, K., Riccardi, N., Desai, R.H. (in preparation). Effects of thematic and taxonomic semantic neighbors in anterior temporal lobe stimulation.
Teaching Experience
- Instructor of Record, Linguistics Program, University of South Carolina
- Spring 2023, LING 301/ENGL 389: The English Language
- Fall 2022, LING 101: Introduction to Language
- Instructor of Record, Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, University of South Carolina
- Spring 2021, CHIN 122: Basic Proficiency Mandarin Chinese
- Fall 2020, CHIN 121: Elementary Mandarin Chinese
- Spring 2022, CHIN 222: Intermediate Mandarin Chinese II
- Fall 2022, CHIN 221: Intermediate Mandarin Chinese I
- Spring 2020, CHIN 322: Advance Mandarin Chinese II
- Fall 2019, CHIN 321: Advance Mandarin Chinese I
- Guest Lecturer, Linguistics Program, University of South Carolina
- Fall 2024, LING 474/PSYC 474: Cognitive and Social Aspects of Bilingualism
- Spring 2023, LING 300/PSYC 300: Introduction to Language Sciences
- Tutor, International Accelerator Program, University of South Carolina
- 2019-2020, English as a second language (ESL) Tutor
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